The saddest day of the year is fast approaching and is known as Blue Monday, falling on 16th January this year, 2024. You can almost feel it in the air. I just had to go for a dog walk in the fresh air, to blow away the cobwebs after having that melancholy feeling wash over me.
It all feels a bit flat in January, after the chaos of Christmas and getting ready for it during the past few months. The lead up, the parties, the events, the presents to buy and wrap, the people to see, the eve, the big day, Boxing day, New Year's Eve and then...nothing. I'm sure I'm not the only one who dreams of some peace and quiet during December, only to should have been careful for what I wished for once January comes.
On the plus side, it is time for a fresh start and usually that means aiming for a healthier lifestyle and heart. I've made a few changes - not sure if they will stick but I'll give them my best shot and won't beat myself up if I fail to do them. I'm doing the obligatory Dry January which I usually bypass but this year I thought I would go for it. I don't even drink that much but last night I really fancied a glass of prosecco while watching TV. I made do with one sip of my husband's beer - I'm pretty sure that doesn't count, like chips if eaten off someone else's plate.
I am also upping the pace I walk at. I tend to stroll along on my dog walks alone, taking in the scenery or chatting away with friends, but today I positively marched through the muddy pathways and fields with my dog trotting along beside me. Walking in nature is my favourite thing to do and doing it briskly helps to get the old heart beating faster and gives a bit of a buzz.
For Christmas, I received a FitBit and that is being a good incentive to get moving more. I also recently started going to Jazzercise, which I wasn't really throwing myself into before but this week I went for it and was rewarded by praise from my new device. The little things add up - like during my Pilates sessions, instead of opting for the easy positions, I'm aiming for the harder ones to push myself a bit further.
I'm hoping that by Blue Monday, I have started to form a protective barrier around myself to help lift my mood from the doldrums. I hope you find something to lift yourself out of them too and look forward to a brighter, happier and uplifting new year.
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January and February are the most depressing months for me. My resolutions are in decline, the weather is terrible. A lot of it depends on the weather for me. Once it rains and it's cold, I don't feel like living slowly. But such sunshine? I feel like getting a good life right away, nature walks are magical and I'd sit on the grass in a meadow all day and just listen to the birds. That's why I don't like January and February. These are lifeless months, or at least in the Czech Republic. Therefore, as soon as the sun shines, my mood goes right up.